06.05.2020. Английский язык
06.05.2020, 00:50

Сегодня мы:

познакомимся с выдающимся композитором Вольфгангом Амадеем Моцартом (контроль навыков чтения);
повторим правила написания личного письма;
напишем письмо другу по заданной ситуации(контроль навыков письменной речи).

1) Write down the date(Записываем дату)

Wednesday, the sixth of May

Test on Reading(Выполняем на отдельном листочке)
1)Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски 1–7 частями предложений,обозначенными буквами A–H. Одна из частей в списке А–H лишняя 5 б.
2)Поставьте 3-5 вопросов к тексту. (3-5б)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria in 1756. His father was a great violinist and composer. Wolfgang showed an interest in music from a very early age. Leonard encouraged him to learn the harpsichord and from the first day, 1________. His sister Maria Anna was also a fine musician. In 1765 Leopold took his two children on a performance tour of Munich and Vienna. Mozart soon became well-known in all Austria.
Everywhere 2_________. He could play the piano and violin as well as the harpsichord. At the age of 11 he was writing keyboard pieces, oratories, symphonies and operas. His first major work was performed in Milan in 1770, when he was still only 14. He was a great hero for young people, who whistled the tunes from The Marriage of Figaro, 3_______. The Archbishop of Salzburg heard about the young Mozart and invited him to be his orchestra Konzertmeister when he was still only fifteen. The world was at Mozart’s feet. He was writing a huge amount of music and 4________. He worked in Salzburg for nearly ten years but he didn’t like the archbishop. Thecomposer was restless and needed a change. In 1781 he left his post and moved to Vienna. He loved Vienna and 5______. Other composers asked him to teach them. His first opera, The Abduction from the Seraglio, was a hit. His fame spread.
In 1782 he met Constance Weber and asked her to marry him. Life wasn’t easy after their marriage. Mozart was a poor businessman, and he never had enough money. For the next ten years,his music was not always popular, and he became poorer and poorer. In 1788 he stopped 6_______but continued to compose. A nobleman asked him to compose a requiem. His financial problems were over but he was already a very sick man and he died 7_______. When he died in 1791 at the age of thirty-five, he was buried in a pauper’s grave.
A) was in great demand as a performer and a composer.
В) before he could finish the piece
C) each piece of music was superb
D) the boy showed incredible talent
E) earning enough money to live well
F) people were astonished by his musical talent
G) when they walked down
H) performing in public
Критерии оценивания контроля навыков чтения:
10-9 б.-"5"
8-7 б.- "4"
5-6 б. -"3"
Test on Writing (Выполняем на отдельном листочке)
Задание.Вы получили письмо от друга/подруги.Прочитайте отрывок, напишите ответ.
It’s my little brother’s birthday next week and I want to take him to the cinema with a few of his friends. Can you suggest a film that 10-year-old children would enjoy? Perhaps a good adventure or a comedy.
Воспользуйтесь планом и словами для справки.
Para 1: informal greeting (приветствие)
- name/type of film; who stars in it(название фильма, актерский состав)
Para 2: short summary of the plot(краткое изложение сюжета)
Para 3: general comments on the plot and the main characters(замечания общего порядка по сюжету и главным героям)
Para 4: your recommendation(рекомендации)
Useful phrases:
plot: clever, well-written, fast-paced
characters: likeable, unusual, well-developed
beginning/ending: surprising, exciting, satisfying
Dear ............,
I’ve just received your mail, and I think taking your brother and his friends to the cinema for his birthday is a great idea! I really suggest you go and see ...............................................................................................................................................
The film is about ...................................................................................................…………………………………………………Its plot is ................................................................................................................................................................................
So, as you can imagine,.............................................................................is a very.............................film.
The characters are............................................................................................................................. .
Well, that’s about it! I really recommend................................................................................................................................... .
Let me know how it goes!
Your name

Ребята! Не забудьте общие правила написания личного письма (обязательно:абзацы, неформальные слова-связки, сокращенные формы слов, разговорные выражения, простые предложения, соответствие заданной ситуации)

Wednesday, the sixth of May

Прочитайте текст Space стр.10, поставьте 3 вопроса к тексту.

Готовые работы можно отправлять в ВК или приносить на проверку тетради.Все задания необходимо выполнить в день урока!Консультации ВКонтакте в беседеАнглийский язык 10 класс.Удачи!
Категория: 10 класс | Добавил: olga-kramarec
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