Английский язык Волошина Ю.О. 01.04
01.04.2020, 00:51
1.Ознакомьтесь с биографией Гастона ЛеруГастон Леру
Прочитайте биографию в учебнике стр.128,ответьте на вопросы письменно
1) When was G. Leroux born?
2) What did he study and where did he work after the graduation of the University?
3) When was «The Phantom of the opera» written?

2.Ознакомьтесь с кратким содержанием романаКраткое содержание Призрак оперы
Retirement – отъезд, отставка rubbish - ерунда
Invade – занимать, захватывать stalk- скрытно передвигаться
Rush – вбегать, врываться dare – рисковать, посметь
Resign – уходить в отставку spectre – призрак, видение
Upturned – вздёрнутый undertaker – сотрудник похоронного бюро
Trembling – дрожащий legend - легенда
Engraving – гравюра peculiar – особый, отличный от других
Brat – ребёнок, дитя extraordinarily – необычайно, удивительно
Superstitious – суеверный pupil - зрачок
Shake – трясти, дрожать lock - локон
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3. Д/З --Прочитайте продолжение истории
The Phantom of the Opera
Part II
The Phantom lived in the basement of the Paris Opera House. People who entered the basement couldn’t find the way out. Who was he? A ghost, a living being, a monster?
Only Christine knew that the Phantom was an unhappy man who was born so ugly that he had to cover his face with mask. He travelled around the world and learnt many things, he knew many fascinating stories and legends and he was a great singer.
At last the Phantom decided on kidnapping Christine and made her marry him. When Christine had disappeared Raoul understood who had done it: it was the Phantom.
Raoul rushed to the basement and was captured by Phantom. In the long run the
Phantom understood that Christine didn’t love him. He freed Christine and Raoul. They left Paris forever and lived alone in a quit place. The Phantom died in the basement of the Opera House alone and lonely.
[size=12]ответьте на вопросы письменно[/size]
1) Why did the Phantom live in the basement of the Paris Opera?
2 What did the Phantom decide to do with Christine?
3) Why did he kidnap Christine?
4) What did Raoul do when he understood who had done that?
5) What happened with the Phantom?
6) What happened with Raoul and Christine?
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